Embedded AI Chatbot

Trained with Your

Business Data

Custom Trained ChatGPT that responds
to your customers

Investor Image - Dark X Webflow TemplateInvestor App - Dark X Webflow TemplateInvestor App - Dark X Webflow Template

No Code AI Chatbot Embeddable on Your Website & Mobile Apps

White Label ChatGPT trained with your business information

See Pricing
Figma Logo - Dark X Webflow Template

Custom Trained

Train ChatGPT with your business information to answer Sales & Support questions. Train each chatbot with up to 4,000 words (22,000 characters) of data

Basic - Dark X Webflow Template

Unlimited Chats

We don't restrict your Bot interaction. You and your users can send & receive Unlimited messages to interact with your Bot.

Advanced - Dark X Webflow Template


No Code, Copy-Paste Embed
Widgets, plug & play into your
website or mobile app

Press - Dark X Webflow Template


Your Personal AI Chatbot gets smarter over time with more data, private portal access to train & retrain your Chatbot with more data

Currencies - Dark X Webflow Template

Custom Branding

No watermark, white label chat
widget customizable with your
own branding

Currencies - Dark X Webflow Template

Train via Website or Article URLs

Train & retrain your Bot by entering plain text or simply paste any Website or Article URL and BotB9 will automagically scrape the data and train itself in seconds.

Figma Logo - Dark X Webflow Template

Custom Themes

Change the Theme color of your Chat Widget & messages to match your branding

Stocks - Dark X Webflow Template

Customize Bot Intro

With a paid subscription, you can
even customize the intro message 
your users see 

Cryptocurrencies - Dark X Webflow Template

Unlimited Bots!

We're the only SaaS Bot platform
focused on Agencies & Startups
offering Unlimited Bots with
Unlimited Chats each branded &
trained separately from
$99/month leaving you with no
restrictions towards launching
the next big AI Thing!


Your local AI Phone Number
trained with your business data

BotB9 SMS-U.S/Canada

Your local U.S/Canada Phone Number that never fails to respond to text messages

Get an AI Phone Number >

ChatGPT on SMS

Select a Phone Number, Train with your Data, and sit back & relax. Your customer engagement on auto-pilot

Visit BotB9 SMS on Powerly.ai >
See Pricing

Answer Business Questions or Create Custom Trained Chatbots

BotB9 was invented to answer business questions, but the use cases soon turned out to be not limited to just answer Sales & Support questions. BotB9 has been utilized for variety of use cases including Fitness Coaching,
Relationship Advice, AI Math Tutor, and many more

Solution Bot 

Security - Dark X Webflow Template


Security - Dark X Webflow Template

Most common usage of BotB9 has been to
answer Sales & Support questions on your
website and mobile apps.

Security - Dark X Webflow Template

Your Private:

- Fitness Coach
- Relationship Coach
- Math Tutor
- Support Bot
- Sales Bot
- and anything you can imagine...


Become a partner, earn 30% commission, life-time

Meet the team

“Reinventing AI is our passion"

Eric Haidi
VP of Product Development
Testimonial - Dark X Webflow Template

“We want to make automation easy for everyone regardless of team size

Marco Butrago
Senior Account Manager
Testimonial - Dark X Webflow Template


 Questions? Ask BotB9 about itself


 More Questions? hit the Blue chat icon on the bottom right to chat with us (a human) live

Copyright 2023, all rights reserved @BotB9